Wednesday, September 25, 2013

iOS 7 - Tips and Tricks - Air Drop

Hello... well i have to say I am impressed with the latest build of iOS 7. My readers are often thinking that I am an Andriod kinda guy.. But I still have a little love for Apple still. until they totally screw up the Macbook Pro.

One feature i do want to talk about is theAir Drop feature in the iOS 7. Air drop was originally part of the Mac OS Lion feature which was introduced by apple so you would no longer need a USB to transfer documents. the feature only worked with other computers also running OSX Lion also. The way it works is if the computer is connected to the same wifi network then the users computer will show up under the finder tab in the application toolbar.

With the new iOS7 this feature is used to share pictures and other sorts of content, but mainly pictures. With the newer apple products, iPhone 5 and later and iPad3 and later (sorry iPad2 and iPhone4S users) this feature is available.

So why do i even care about this feature???? Especially when I can email it or text it to my friend?

Well... Air Drop will actually place the photo into your Photos application, which is very convenient. instead of getting the picture scrolling through messages and using a screen shot to have it in your library.

1. go to photo application
2. selecte picture
3. tap the little paper icon with an up arrow (upload button)
4. make sure the recipient has the air drop feature on..either contacts if you both are in each others contacts or open to be view by all iOS users.
5. Select user
6. User see the preview of the photo and chooses to accept or decline the photo.

#charlieseanez #charlietechlist #airdrop #ios7 #charlie #seanez

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Jay-Z and Apple... Cut from the similar cloth

Thanks for Reading and opening up this blog page! I have incorporated some of the comments left by you guys.. so i will tighten up some of the screws and be more focused!!!!

So as the title reads.. I am a huge music fan and also a DJ. I recently got into  debate with my brother about the relevancy of hip hop and as we all are, debating, speculating and commenting on Apple and the new iPhone..

Some will not agree and tell me Im crazy, outrageous, and every other word in the book.... But lets hold on here. Don't be a blind fan, be a smart fan....

My views on the hip hop artist is that he is over the hill and his material is not very relevant and great, as compared to his previous releases. I have not only heard the same material from him, what was released currently isnt even worth me downloading it free LEAGALLY from the google play store. Dont get me wrong, he is brilliant to offer it free and I love the gadgets and commercials but lets be real.... rank this album againt his career work and give me the truth... i dont even know 1 song off that album other than the one on the radio and compared to his work, i give it his 5th best album because i didnt even bother to listen to it and also the other ones were soo bad i cant see him doing worse than Kingdom Come and American Gangster... Again just my opinion..

Now lets get to Apple.... With the new iPhone to be released on Friday and the keynote speeches in the books I believe Apple is in a similar situation. Little brother Android is stepping up and taking the light that was once dominated by Apple and making it their own. This is my opinion however, Apple hasnt really got a new design since the last Steve Jobs Phone, the iPhone 4S, and this is its new layout, skin and identity. This is the first time I can say this is not a Steve Jobs phone but a new phone which will display the new direction of Apple. With the expectations and excitement we will see if the future of the iPhone will be revolutionary like history has shown or will the iPhone follow the path of the current hip hop artist and be excited for the release, but generally quickly become irrelavant similar to the iPhone 5. However the 5S is a whole different story..

Thanks Guys!!!!

#apple #iphone5 #charlieseanez #charlieschecklist #charliestechlist #seanez #charliestechlist

Friday, September 13, 2013

The new iPhone 5C - Why cheaper is not better for you!!

As a blogger mainly on Ggoogle+ I know I am going to get a lot of flack on blogging about the iPhone 5S and iPhone5C. But there are some people who are still stuck in the Apple ecosystem and enjoy that functionality and will not experience the freedom and the winds of change.


All eyes were on Samsung to revolutionize the world with their new unboxing of the Galaxy Note3 and Galaxy Gear, with people expecting more from this all eyes then turned to Apple 2 weeks later with their keynote presentation of the brand new iPhone 5S and 5C. With this iPhone event everyone wanted to know how Apple was going to not only catch up to the operating system of Andriod, but to revolutionize the industry as they claimed they were working on something BIG!

Income the iPhone5S and iPhone5C....

I can elaborate on both phones, but this blog is specifically for the iPhone5C...

As a consumer we perceive value in product if we can get it cheaper, and not better, and has the same functionality; this is an incorrect perception. As a customer of Apple with nothing but innovation and incredible products that are beautiful and well designed, we expect nothing but greatness for the company who dominance once ruled the world. The consumers of Apple expect innovation and ground breaking products and experience from new products because the history shows this and even after Apple is, to say the least stagnant, we expect every revision to be amazing(and to catch up to Andriod)! Everyone see the iPhone 5C as a good buy because of the larger screen than the 4S model but also the price point of the phone being $99. Consumers are drooling over the cheaper price tag and seeing that the new line of 5C are not only colorful, but can save $100 or upgrade the memory and get larger storage for the same money of the 5C. In this case, we perceive, the same product but more bang for your buck...... This is the WRONG WAY OF THINKING!!!

The reason Apple is where it is at and also everyone loves the experience of the iPhone is because of the hardware of the phones are amazing and companies are not only designing incredible apps for it, they are designing apps to maximize the limits of the graphics processors and pushing it to the limit. Buying the 5C in my opinion is equivalent to buying a iPhone 5 (Old Technology) which was released by Apple a year ago. Why do I care about that? Because of the fact that readers are not addicted to tech like bloggers and reviewers are, they don't get all the gadgets that come out and they probably only get a phone every 2 years. Think of where Apples apps will be in 2 years and if you had an iPhone 3GS, you would be crying and wishing for a better phone.

Sidebar - After watching the Keynote, Apple's iPhone 5S is the first 64-bit phone on the market, why should you care? because with the amount of processing that the new iOS 7 is using every time you open the lock screen or swipe screens or use the new swipe screen, your phone will lag, and we hate boot up time because Apple has showed us we never need to turn off and on our computers and the ipad wakes up instantly. I'm not Cleo the psychic, I'm just a blogger addicted.


Because Apple has always given you the best phones that are capable of performing for the innovation of the future everyone experience is groovy, except of you own an original iPad and an iPhone 3GS.

Be a smart consumer, if your favorite Flemmings steak went up in price, would you get the cheaper one? Would you go to Outback Steakhouse? You would, but you would say its good, but its not Flemmings (or your favorite food, this is just an example). This isn't a trap from Apple, this is simply Apples answer to Google selling Andriod GS3 and GS4 for incredibly lower prices and flooding the market (low end market) and taking power away from Apple. Not to downgrade Andriod, however Apple has had the best experience tech wise than any other company, blowing away Hp's and dells (I would capitalize the "d" in dell, however I don't care enough about the company to fix that grammar. I would rather ramble about this than to actually do it. I am making a point!!!!!) and killing Windows! I don't know of anyone drooling over the Window Surface tablet however the only reason why people have those and blackberry products is because they are company provided, deep down they want an Apple product (or premium Andriod too!!!). Nonetheless, Consumer.. Buy the iPhone5S and not the iPhone5C, it is a better product better experience and also after driving a Lexus and Mercedes, do you really like drive that new Toyota Corolla???

Thanks for reading!!!!

#charlie #Seanez #foodcourtdjs #techcourt #iphone5S #iPhone5C #charlieseanez #charlieschecklist #charliestechlist

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Galaxy. ..and why I'm frustrated with google Android

I am a converted Android fan from being an itard. Since the Galaxy note 2 has led me away from the recently lackluster and non uninnovated Apple iphone I have a love hate relationship with google Android. While similar to any other relationship there is a honeymoon period. While the galaxy note 2 all in my opinion the best of both worlds and a beast of a phone, with the most impressive hardware that can be put into a phone, I have become a little dissatisfied and disappointed.

Why you ask? ???

Simple.. the same things that make google great is also the very thing that frustrates me and that apple has nailed l.. and that is phone overload... while to some this is good, but this is what is frustrating about it. The galaxy note 2 is freat and big.. but after a dropped and cracked screen it may be a little too big for one hand. While the phone eliminates the use of a tablet and a phone its still quite larger, so enter the galaxy s4! Now this is a revolution!! While the s pen was always lost and never quietly used the galaxy s4 was in my opinion a better fit and also better features because yoi dont have to pull out the s pen and also eye tracking and the camera was better than the note 2!! Enter nexus.. while this is one of the cleanest andriod experience it is only available on the nexus.. nkw im starting to get frustrated with google... but low and behold the solution to my frustration, enter the galaxy s4 with a nexus like experience. . Finally what I needed, the problem is I am not forking about 6 bills for it. Reenter frustration.

After I becone content of my s4 samsung then Introduces the s4 active,  a varient of the s4 that is life and waterproof. You can watch moving froma submerged phone in a water tank!!!!! WHAT IS THIS!!! I NEED THAT!! IF I CANT WATCH YOUTUBE FROM A WATER TANK I DONT FEEL LIKE WATCHING IT!!!! 

Then enter the Motox... I can live without a  submerged youtube experience and casting it to my tv via chromecast for heck of it and maybe not the big screen (lets not drag the mega into it) of the note2 with is a better viewing experience and split screen experience but now the motox feature of "okay google now". If you do t know what this is, the mic on the phone is always on so yiu dont need to activate the phone you simply say he phrase and google now conpletes the tasks. Reminders, calls, text etc are all part of the google now experience which is exclusively to the motox.

Why cant google give you one phone to rule them all. Enter the iphone, though lacking innovation and clear catching up to google, you don't have the user experience of andriod but you dont have the frustration of andriod either.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Galaxy Gear - Innovation???

This is my second Blog Post in a row!!!!! consistency BABY!!!! well lets not get ahead of myself...

Well.. Lets get down to business here.. lets talk about the "new" "Innovation" with the Galaxy Smartwatch also known as the Samsung Galaxy Gear. 

Now for those who are not techies out there but want to know the points about it... lets start with the gadgets. The watch comes with a display under 2 inches that is a touch display with a 1.9 Megapixle camera included (which by today standards is like the first phone camera ever installed in the old school sprint phones, however this may be better), Dictation, text alerts, notifications, photos sync via blue tooth and phone capabilities with a speaker giving you the option for a speaker phone or something to listen to music. Now the galaxy gear comes with a handful of apps to track your activity for the day. 

I assume the twitter updates and the facebook and instagram will surely follow with the other handfull of apps that will be availible. However, the galaxy gear is only availible to function with Andriod 4.3 and above, so if you do not have the lastest smart phone, there is already an alternative... Use a sony or pebble smart watch as they are less expensive than the $299 price tag it will drop at later this month. 

Now with only watching demos, videos and comparing it with others availible today, I remember Apple having a ipod nano previously in an earlier generation that had the same face and nearly the same offline functionality. I think if apple pursuit this a long time ago the smart watch could have been invented then... However Apple went in a new direction and change the design of the ipod nano. That ipod nano had a watch wristband that was an accessory to it and made it a "smart watch" back then i saw the potential and I thought that was Innovation in what could have been...

The question you ask your self should be this... is this what I need and do I want this? Lets start by saying this, the wearable tech revolution has begun with the Google Glass and everyone is trying to jump on any boat just so they dont miss the whole tablet thing Apple capitalized on what seems soo long ago. The Galaxy Gear is supposed to accompany the Note3 so the user does not alway check there phones, giving them "freedom" or "freedom from habit of doing it all the time". Waerable tech is supposed to get your phone out of the way, so instead of the phone being the center of your life, you can now discover a whole new world outside of facebook and social networking and emails and messages. The wearable tech puts you out of the digital ecosystem somewhat but the way life is right now, you can never really escape it.

My opinion and recommendation is this, this is a cool gadget and better than what is currently out there now, however i dont see this holding value because I dont see this as a growing product, there may be app functionality later with this but my guess is that samsung wanted to beat Apple to the punch and strike first, with Apple having there conference a week later. To get full functionality you have to have a top of the line andriod phone and preferably a Note3. With that phone being seen as "TOO BIG TO FUNCTION" this is not going to go well with people. I suspect to wait and let see the next models of watches that will be compatible with the Galaxy S5 when it is release or if cyanogenmod gets a hold and hacks this and a bunch of custom ROMs are developed. However, I would wait till Apple unviels their version, unless it is the same device as I mentioned earlier with phone capabilities on it, wait until the next more compatible version is released. 

Thanks for reading!!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


This is my initial Blog Post to the world!!! and the subject is the Moto X

As I was in the att store yesterday I interacted with the phone and I was impressed.  Now before I start getting into the phone I just wanted to say thisbefore hand.  I am currently an andriod user and a google glass owner who is shopping for a phone for my wife.  Now that is or of the way you can see where I'm coming from on some of my points. 

I think hardware is very important but now a days every phone being introduced they pretty much has the same hardware and all specs. . Or so I thought. . After looking at and trying to be sold another product by a bias seller from Samsung,  I discovered that the phone has only a dual core processor?  Initially I thought this would make the performance slower because the galaxy S4 and note 2 have quad and octo core processors and in combination with the mediocre camera and a 720 mega pixel screen. .I pretty much wrote if off before Ieven tried it. ..

Now with that or if the way we can get into the good stuff! !

I think the phone is amazing and this is why Google bought Motorola.  At the time people where curious and dumbfounded on why this occurred be now it makes perfect sense.  I like Google products and my complaint is always the same... they are cheaply made and the iphone,  although is currently slacking,  is a overall better, nicer and fancier product. my experience with the nexus haven't to be sent back multiple times due to the tablet connectors gaming apart and not being tough enough for everyday use. 

Here comes Motorola. Now I thing the phone design and manufacture is now solid as the phone doesn't look cheaply made and looks low something to spend some money in.  The fact that the phone comes in multiple cokors means that it is customizable,  and andriod is big on customization but the most interesting thing and the rain you even consider this phone is the okay google now feature.

This feature is always in and listens to you all the time.  With a feature similar to google glass,  this makes the true Google experience. Okay Google now let's the user dictate commands without paying a button like ssiri and also workout tilting or touching anything. 
I believe this is revolutionary to the smart phone.

Even with the downside of the processor and the screen,  if I never pointed it out to you you would never have noticed.  I think the Moro x brings a new exclusiveness to the smart phone that users will use every day.  And that bit even going into all the other simple motion features within the phone. ..u will leave that up to another post 

Thanks for reading.