Friday, September 13, 2013

The new iPhone 5C - Why cheaper is not better for you!!

As a blogger mainly on Ggoogle+ I know I am going to get a lot of flack on blogging about the iPhone 5S and iPhone5C. But there are some people who are still stuck in the Apple ecosystem and enjoy that functionality and will not experience the freedom and the winds of change.


All eyes were on Samsung to revolutionize the world with their new unboxing of the Galaxy Note3 and Galaxy Gear, with people expecting more from this all eyes then turned to Apple 2 weeks later with their keynote presentation of the brand new iPhone 5S and 5C. With this iPhone event everyone wanted to know how Apple was going to not only catch up to the operating system of Andriod, but to revolutionize the industry as they claimed they were working on something BIG!

Income the iPhone5S and iPhone5C....

I can elaborate on both phones, but this blog is specifically for the iPhone5C...

As a consumer we perceive value in product if we can get it cheaper, and not better, and has the same functionality; this is an incorrect perception. As a customer of Apple with nothing but innovation and incredible products that are beautiful and well designed, we expect nothing but greatness for the company who dominance once ruled the world. The consumers of Apple expect innovation and ground breaking products and experience from new products because the history shows this and even after Apple is, to say the least stagnant, we expect every revision to be amazing(and to catch up to Andriod)! Everyone see the iPhone 5C as a good buy because of the larger screen than the 4S model but also the price point of the phone being $99. Consumers are drooling over the cheaper price tag and seeing that the new line of 5C are not only colorful, but can save $100 or upgrade the memory and get larger storage for the same money of the 5C. In this case, we perceive, the same product but more bang for your buck...... This is the WRONG WAY OF THINKING!!!

The reason Apple is where it is at and also everyone loves the experience of the iPhone is because of the hardware of the phones are amazing and companies are not only designing incredible apps for it, they are designing apps to maximize the limits of the graphics processors and pushing it to the limit. Buying the 5C in my opinion is equivalent to buying a iPhone 5 (Old Technology) which was released by Apple a year ago. Why do I care about that? Because of the fact that readers are not addicted to tech like bloggers and reviewers are, they don't get all the gadgets that come out and they probably only get a phone every 2 years. Think of where Apples apps will be in 2 years and if you had an iPhone 3GS, you would be crying and wishing for a better phone.

Sidebar - After watching the Keynote, Apple's iPhone 5S is the first 64-bit phone on the market, why should you care? because with the amount of processing that the new iOS 7 is using every time you open the lock screen or swipe screens or use the new swipe screen, your phone will lag, and we hate boot up time because Apple has showed us we never need to turn off and on our computers and the ipad wakes up instantly. I'm not Cleo the psychic, I'm just a blogger addicted.


Because Apple has always given you the best phones that are capable of performing for the innovation of the future everyone experience is groovy, except of you own an original iPad and an iPhone 3GS.

Be a smart consumer, if your favorite Flemmings steak went up in price, would you get the cheaper one? Would you go to Outback Steakhouse? You would, but you would say its good, but its not Flemmings (or your favorite food, this is just an example). This isn't a trap from Apple, this is simply Apples answer to Google selling Andriod GS3 and GS4 for incredibly lower prices and flooding the market (low end market) and taking power away from Apple. Not to downgrade Andriod, however Apple has had the best experience tech wise than any other company, blowing away Hp's and dells (I would capitalize the "d" in dell, however I don't care enough about the company to fix that grammar. I would rather ramble about this than to actually do it. I am making a point!!!!!) and killing Windows! I don't know of anyone drooling over the Window Surface tablet however the only reason why people have those and blackberry products is because they are company provided, deep down they want an Apple product (or premium Andriod too!!!). Nonetheless, Consumer.. Buy the iPhone5S and not the iPhone5C, it is a better product better experience and also after driving a Lexus and Mercedes, do you really like drive that new Toyota Corolla???

Thanks for reading!!!!

#charlie #Seanez #foodcourtdjs #techcourt #iphone5S #iPhone5C #charlieseanez #charlieschecklist #charliestechlist

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