Monday, October 7, 2013

Apple - Acquires Fashion Designer from YSL to Improve the iDevice

News sources have stated that Apple acquires former CEO from Yves Saint Laurent Paul Deneve to work on improving the Apple lineup.

Why is this important? Well I don't know whether you should care if this is important, however, Apple fan should be excited!!

Apple has always prided itself on being fashionable and have a beautiful design of their products. Having a beautiful device that is slim and also powerful has always been a selling point of the Apple products. When you listen to the Keynotes events the words: slim, beautiful, light and all the words used to describe Angelina Jolie (or Brad Pitt..depending on who you are) are used to describe the Apple lineup.

Now with that revealed lets get down to this....

People are attracted to the Apple lineup because of this, because that Apple spends time on design of the products. Apples products are thin and trendy, light in weight and fast in processing. As compared to Android where consumers are consistently comparing the plastic outside covers on its various lines of phones.

With Apple making the models thinner and thinner, the devices are almost paper weight. After a while, refreshing the line with thinner and more compact designs aren't going to impress consumers to buy the same device... a little thinner. Samsung, one of Androids top manufactures and biggest rival, is now offering an alternative to the plastic back cover and giving the consumer a faux leather back for the Galaxy Note 3. With Apple stuck with little or no innovation left and resorting to attract customers with a cheaper line of phone that are plastic (like Android) and costs $99 or less (like Android) are going to invest in one of the reasons it became trendy to like.

Paul Deneve will provide insight to make the iPhone fashionable, with the phone and tablet a better accessory that a watch and necklace, Apple hopes to impress the new line up of devices in a way that Google and Android are lacking in. I believe Apple is now chasing Google for innovation, and in todays copy cat (or Kopy Kat) world, Apple will probably continue to take the best features of the various Android variants and install them into iOS-whatever and be on the cutting edge of fashion.

Because at the end of the day.... you still gotta look good. And you know what they say... You gotta look good to play (or whatever) good.

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