Friday, November 8, 2013

Welcome Explorers to XE 11!!!

These past few weeks the Google Glass team has sent out invitations for their current explorer group to invite three lucky friends to the group (with money... ) . Google in a sense has tripled its current explorer group and has an even larger group of beta testers to see how this technology fits into society. With the release of XE11, refinements to the Glass experienced were added such as viewing events on the calendar for the upcoming events and can now navigate you "home" and to "work" as it now knows where home and work is. Glass users are sad that the long press Google search is gone do to the accidental activation of this command, however I still have tons of accidental pictures from leaving glass upside down when i take it off, they should have tried to fix that.

Screeencast and the set up for new explorers are now easier and with the swapping program, Glass will now work with people who have a prescription and also give you an earpiece to hear people on the phone during calls. The ear piece will solve the problem of cupping my hand and speaker over my ear to make it louder however they still need to address the microphone on Glass.

Now with this out of the way.....

What does this mean instead of having more people wear Glass? Does more Explorers mean a better product, or is this the way Google (slowly but surely) will implement glass in society? I think yes... yes it is... Wearing a computer on your face is a bit much and the early explorers had to answer a million questions from everyone that we walked by. Its probably equivalent to being a "hot chick" or the closest were gonna get to it. With the expansion of the group now Glass  will be more and more common and will be more and more accepted into society. Google and the Explorers have a responsibly to not screw Glass up for everyone, if Glass was released today in a retail store, i think it will do well, however the hype will die down and the device may go away due to not living up to the hype.

I would say keeping the device exclusive make it also more desirable because its not a product that everyone can get and to us nerds and geeks, we hold that sacred just like our Comics, Video Game, Collector Editions, and Magic Cards (somewhere in my house, i still wont sell them, or what other card game you play). I don't work for Google so i can dictate that however I do tell them feedback, so i know they listen...



If you enjoyed this article please take time to vote for infosystem solutions to be considered for a Mainstreet Grant to integrate technology with the school systems...doesnt take long and i would greatly appreciate it!!

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