WWDC - Am I Impressed? No… Am I Disappointed? No…
This is my general feeling now....
After watching the WWDC and seeing the Apple hype of what is coming out of Headquarters this year I can tell you that I am not overly excited as I used to be when I watching this, and I not disappointed either. As I have blogged about Apple for a while now, I have accepted that their is new direction and this is not the Apple of old that got us to risk getting fired because we lost productivity for an entire day or in my case, weeks. The tech-arms race between Samsung vs. Apple and Google vs. Apple is long decided and I no longer hope, I just accepted this is the way it is, this is similar to Maywether and Pacquia. I will give break downs of WWDC and what is going to be new with OSX - Yosemite in later blogs so users can understand the little things about it and see how this integrates into their lives, but is it innovative and is this upgrade going to change anything? Nope.
As Apple develops the iPad and refines and refines and refines this product, it just has become essential to our everyday use. The fact that this device changed the landscape of electronics altogether and was once innovative is now just perfected for our convince and use. To me Apple does not go out on the limb anymore, it does not risk anymore, I just don't see the creative minds at it used to have in making new technology anymore. It seems to me that now Apple is taking the approach to see what everyone else is doing, sit back and observe what start ups and up and coming tech is doing and integrating it into the ecosystem, which is great for them and great for the users too.
WWDC has shown us that Apple is putting all their resources into making thing beautiful and simple, transparent and evolving apps and functions such as Spotlight, Toolbar and Mail. The displays and the way the notifications alerts you for appointments is becoming better and better and using the iOS functions and integrating it into the new OS. I am not going to bash the new upgrade and since it is free, I'll take it… however its not something that I am overly excited and going to check on an hourly basis of when the release will appear, and I am not even going to sign up for the Public Beta Program.
I always say that innovation is when you bring to different things together from different fields and make it work and create something new, something fresh and something better. Apple is giving us a new OS, something more functional and better than OSX Mavericks, however, these functions are nothing new and nothing to get excited about and nothing that I need to have right now and I don't even know why it is worth blogging about…. but I am. I am no longer disappointed, because we have seen this over and over and this is becoming their new trend and brand.. So it is expected. Windows isn't good enough for me to jump platforms, the Macbook is still built better than the Windows Laptop, the screens and hardware of the iMac are still superior to anything Dell, Toshiba and whoever is putting out hardware, so we stay by default. Google has the better and more innovative software, platform and ecosystem, however their current model isn't about perfection it is about innovation so producing a product through as many refreshes as a Mac… This is not going to happen, sorry Chromebook Pixel, maybe I may consider it in about 4 more revisions when it is right for consumers and can compete with the Retina Macbook Pro I am using now..
I guess I am one more WWDC away from being disgruntled and complacent….. Tim Cook tells us to be prepared as Apple will unveil the most innovative products in the next upcoming WWDC, we all now what it is going to be, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Phablet and a new iPad and most likely a Retina on an iMac, the release of the iWatch, which is so late i don't even care because wearables are failing, and the new AppleTV. I should have started with "Spoil Alert" but the way Apple is going, what is there to spoil?
Thanks for reading as the Podcast is being reformatted and released on Thursdays!
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