Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Glass Redemption - getting your invite

Google had change the game on Beta Testing by debuting the most innovative device we have seen in a long while, if you follow my blogs I usually refer and compare to the original iPhone, by having Glass Explorers group to extensively test and mold this product for public release. Applicants had to fill out an applications and all applications were reviewed by Google and Glass invites were sent out to residence of the U.S. and the developers and first group of explorers received Glass.

The explorers wore the headsets and as controversies of camera, privacy and other initial obstacles of testing a ground breaking product. Months came and went and another opportunity to expand the community was available via Explore Invite a friend email; however $1,600 a pop not a lot of people have that. however spots filled up and the explorer community expanded. And now it has come to recent time where Google has released another invite to the Explores. Any Explorer has 3 invites to have the Glass community expand to what it is today.

So today Google announced that the Glass Explorer program is open for individuals to sign up... So for everyone who has passed on the opportunity now has redemption. If you didnt know about the program but heard through the news or has seen the product on one of Glass touring program to show the technology here is your chance. Just don't make the same mistake a lot of other people did and say dumb things/reasons to get Glass, Glass is a revolutionary product and for Glass to be successful it needs dreamers driven by Coffee, Redbull and Mountain Dew (or maybe all of them at once) to mold Glass into what it will be tomorrow.

In my person opinion, Glass isn't at a place where it will live up to the consumers expectations of the product. However Glass has come far along from what the XE4 was, but people arent going to impressed by progress, but by the final product. I don't know if this is by design, but Google's effort to keep Glass exclusive and not open to the public make consumers like my self that collect exclusive items, keeps the interest and value of Glass high and very desirable because of the factor of very limited supply and exclusivity that you are chosen. So if you are considering applying for Glass, be authentic, be a dreamer!!!!

Here are my problems with Glass i would love to see fixed!!
 - Date displayed on the Home Screen
 - Drive Implemented to share and save files
 - Clean up the history, as the timeline feed is cluttered
 - Implementation of Keep
 - Implementation of Goggles.. This would be insane!!!!!

If you enjoyed this article please take time to vote for infosystem solutions to be considered for a Mainstreet Grant to integrate technology with the school systems...doesnt take long and i would greatly appreciate it!!


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